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Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Taiga factory.

Export of Products

Export of Taiga products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Taiga products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Taiga: band sawmills, miter machines, disc sawmills, edging machines
  • Electric sawmills Taiga
    Electric sawmills
    Taiga T-1, T-2, T-2M, T-3, T-4, etc.
  • Petrol sawmills Taiga
    Petrol sawmills
    Taiga T-1B, Taiga T-2B, Taiga T-3B
  • Disk multisaws Taiga
    Disk multisaws
    Taiga SMD-1, Taiga SMD-2, etc.
  • Cylinder machines Taiga
    Cylinder machines
    OS-1, OS-2, etc.
  • Milling machines Taiga
    Milling machines
    Taiga etc.
  • Circular sawmills Taiga
    Circular sawmills
    DP-1, DP-1B, DP-2, etc.
  • Automatic machines for sharpening saws Taiga
    Automatic machines for sharpening saws
    Taiga 12V, Taiga 220V, etc.
  • Adjustable devices for saws Taiga
    Adjustable devices for saws
    Taiga etc.
  • Edging machines Taiga
    Edging machines
    K-1, K-2, K-2M, etc.
  • Miter machines Taiga
    Miter machines
    TS-160, etc.
  • Band saws for sawmills Taiga
    Band saws for sawmills
    T-1, T-1B, T-2, T-2M, T-3B, T-4, etc.
  • Multi-saw machines Taiga
    Multi-saw machines
    Taiga SMR-1, etc.
  • Cup-cutting machines Taiga
    Cup-cutting machines
    CRS-3, etc.
  • Woodcutters Taiga
    Taiga DC-1, DC-1B, etc.
  • Round-rolling machines Taiga
    Round-rolling machines
    KP-61 and others.
  • Dust collecting units Taiga
    Dust collecting units
    UVS 2000, 3000, 5000, etc.
  • Briquetting presses Taiga
    Briquetting presses


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